
Serbia is open to investments

Nowadays, workplaces are also being modernized. People who are willing to look forward and move with the times have the most chances of success.

Several sectors of the Serbian economy may be particularly interesting for potential foreign investors. They are characterized by the exceptional professional expertise of the workforce, long tradition, quality of raw materials and export potential.

  • aviation and defense industry,
  • automotive industry,
  • IT technologies and international business services,
  • textile industry,
  • food industry,
  • wood and furniture industry,
  • Metal and machine industry

Serbia’s favorable business environment is characterized by highly competitive tax rates and low operating costs. Serbia’s workforce is extremely diverse and dynamic. Serbia has prioritized cooperation mechanisms with colleges and universities as well as private sector organizations to ensure that the workforce is able to meet the demands of a 21st century economy.


Continental, IMI, Bosch, ZF and Siemens have already recognized Serbia as a good investment location for further development and research.

Serbia – manufacturing center

Externally, Serbia can serve as a production center for duty-free exports to a market of more than 1.3 billion people, which includes the European Union, the Eurasian Economic Union, the USA, Japan, Australia, Southeast Europe, members of the European Free Trade Agreement, and Turkey. This duty-free system applies to most major industrial products, with only a few exceptions and annual quotas for a limited number of goods. You are welcome to take advantage of all the advantages that free trade zones in Serbia offer, such as: B. exemption from VAT for income from commercial activities.

Together we not only create opportunities, but also know how to make the best use of them.