Bosnia Herzegovina

Bosnia Herzegovina

Bosnia and Herzegovina has a strong industrial base in which metalworking, automotive industry, wood industry, agriculture, food processing, tourism, renewable energy stand out. But business opportunities are also developing in other areas.

Subsidiary in Bosnia-Herzegovina

Our team of Bosnian and German-speaking experts will advise you comprehensively, competently and individually about the opportunities available to your company in this market. The numbers speak for themselves: every year, more than 400 German and Bosnian companies rely on DE international to enter the foreign market and successfully develop it – from expanding to consolidating their foreign activities.

  • Special features for foreign investors
    Bosnia and Herzegovina Investment Specificity – The legal framework for foreign investments in Bosnia and Herzegovina is structured in such a way that it makes no distinction between domestic and foreign investments. However, the country is divided into the Federation of Bosnia & Herzegovina, the Republic of Srpska and the Special District of Brcko, each of which has its own corporate laws. When setting up a company, the regulations in the relevant entity must also be taken into account in addition to the regulations at the state level.
  • Corporation tax
    Bosnia and Herzegovina corporate tax – The corporate tax rate is currently ten percent uniform throughout the country. Exceptions to this are possible depending on the entity in which the company is located
  • Relations with the EU
    On December 15, 2022, Bosnia and Herzegovina was included in the list of EU accession candidates.